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    Glurch Properties
    K-12 Experiments & Background Information
    For Science Labs, Lesson Plans, Class Activities & Science Fair Projects
    For Elementary School Students & Teachers

    Glurch Experiments
    This experiment is courtesy of 

    Glurch II


    Carolyn L. Minor
    Steel School

    Dr. Trish Maxson
    Applications Development Lab
    Rohm and Haas Company, Bristol

    Dr. Cheryl Martin
    Modifiers Research
    Rohm and Haas Company, Bristol

    Topic Area:


    Grade Level:

    Grade 3-5


    Students will make Glurch II and conduct tests to compare its properties to those of the commercial materials.


    For each student

    20 ml liquid starch

    5 grams salt

    10 ml white glue

    5 grams cornstarch

    spoon or stirrer

    paper towels

    centimeter ruler

    small, plastic bag

    record sheet

    1 small cup

    For each team

    4 paper cups




    Teacher demonstration

    aluminum foil

    hair dryer


    The properties of an object are important to scientists. It helps them to predict how an object will behave. Changes in temperature and force can change a material's properties. Chemists are often involved with creating new materials that can be used for specific purposes. They may, for example, need to create material for an object that must keep its shape under high temperatures or withstand a drop of several meters without breaking or changing its shape.

    Management Suggestions:

    1. Each student should have the opportunity to make Glurch II. If this is not possible, have students work in teams of two or four. The sag towers may be constructed in teams of four students.
      When exposed to air, this material will dry out.
    2. Small plastic bags can be used to take Glurch II home.
    3. Glurch II will be "tacky". It will become less tacky when handled. More cornstarch may be added to change this property.
    4. Duplicate student record sheets.
    5. Make certain that the students record their observations while they are doing the experiment.



    Have students:

    1. Measure out the laundry starch, cornstarch and salt and mix them together.
    2. Add glue and stir.
    3. Once a lump of material forms, squeeze the liquid from the lump.

    This material is Glurch II. Use it to conduct the following experiments:

    Experiment One

    Have students:

    1. Roll it.
    2. Twist it.
    3. Listen to it as it moves.
    4. Squeeze it.
    5. Press it on a piece of paper.
    6. Press their fingers into it.

    Experiment Two

    1. Drop it from a height of 10 centimeters.
    2. Drop it from a height of 100 centimeters.

    Experiment Three

    1. Put the Glurch II into a small plastic bag and seal it.
    2. Place the bag into a cup of ice for 5 minutes.
    3. Remove the Glurch II and stretch it.

    Teacher demonstration

    1. Place a piece of Glurch II on a piece of aluminum foil.
    2. Turn hair dryer on low and direct hot air toward the Glurch II.
    3. Stretch it.

    Experiment Four

    1. Construct two paper cup towers. Diagram
    2. Form Glurch II into a roll 10 centimeters long.
    3. Anchor ends of Glurch II to notches in towers.
    4. Measure sag distance (vertical distance from the bottom of the
      notch to the lowest point of the object) after 5 minutes.



    1. Can you describe some of the properties of Glurch II?
    2. What are some of the similarities and differences between Glurch II, Color Dough, Silly Putty and the Super Ball? [This information might be entered on a large, class or individual chart.]
    3. Would Glurch II be a good material for a car bumper? A helmet? Why or why not.
    4. Can you think of another use for Glurch II? Why do you think it would work? (Remember Glurch II's properties).


    Have students conduct an interview with a senior citizen, (this might be done with a tape or video recorder) in which they ask questions about the materials used to make objects - 30 to 50 years ago. Examples could be car bumpers, refrigerators, clothing, radio cabinets. Ask the children to note how these have changed.



    Materials Science - A Continuing Frontier. National Science and Technology Week '91. National Science Foundation, Washington D.C. 20550.

    This experiment is courtesy of 

    My Dog Kelly

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