Science Fair Projects
Ideas and Sample Projects by Grade Level

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Primary School - Grades K-3
P=Project   E=Experiment
Is One Room of Your House Colder Than Another? [E]
Investigate how pressure in the atmosphere is linked to the formation of clouds by making a cloud chamber. [E]
Is the air the same temperature in the sun and in the shade? [E]
Snow, Sun and Sky in Saskatoon [P]
Create a fog in a bottle. [E]
Create a cloud in a bottle. [E]
Create a soda bottle cyclone. [E]
Interdisciplinary Topic: Weather
Elementary School - Grades 4-6
P=Project   E=Experiment
How to Make an Anemometer [E]
Learn how the movement of local weather systems relates to the rotation of the earth. [E]
What Factors Are Conducive to Fog? [E]
Do Clouds Tell Us What Weather Is Coming? [E]
Investigate patterns and variations of weather and climate in your local area by comparing historical weather data. [E]
Investigate how the speed of the wind is measured by an anemometer. [E]
Measure the percentage of oxygen in air samples. [E]
Make and use a hygrometer. [E]
Investigate seasonal weather patterns and climates of different hemispheres by comparing historical weather data for major cities around the globe. [E]
Research Clouds and Precipitation [E]
What is Lightning? [E]
How does precipitation vary? [P] [P]
Make your own barometer. [E] [E] [E] [E] [E]
Build and use your own rain gauge. [E]
Build and use your own snow gauge. [E]
Investigate the water cycle and the role of the Sun as the driving force behind the water cycle. [E] [E] [E]
Factros affecting rate of evaporation [E]
Measure how fast the wind blows (anemometer). [E] [E]
Measure wind direction (wind vane). [E]
Does the wind change with height? [E]
Interdisciplinary Topic: Weather
Middle School - Grades 7-9
P=Project   E=Experiment   C=Electronic Circuit
Build an Arduino Weather Station [C]
Make a Weather Station With an Anemometer and Thermistor [C]
How Accurate Are 10 Day Weather Forecasts? Can Similar Cities Foreshadow Future Weather? [E]
See if the different north and south facing aspects in Lundy Canyon create substantially different temperatures and snow depths due to varying amounts of sun exposure. [E]
Morisita-Horn Index Correlates Rainfall Variability with Crop Yield [E]
See how UV levels changed as altitude increased [E]
Find out if it always gets colder as you get higher in the mountains. [E]
Everything about rain [P]
Use an anemometer and an infrared thermometer to determine how wind speed affects the rate of cooling of an object. [E]
Measure the amount of haze produced by pollutants in the atmosphere by constructing a photometer. [E] [E]
Do Smog Levels Vary During the Course of the Day? (see both links) [E] [E]
The 'Global Conveyor Belt' - Make a model of ocean currents and measure how the heat input affects velocity of the currents. [E]
What Weather Factors Create Radiation Fog? [E]
Investigate how axial tilt affects how the Sun's rays strike Earth and create seasons. [E]
Determine if barometric pressure would register the same inside and outside and test the reliability of a homemade barometer against the weather channel data. [E]
Which is the most accurate way to predict the weather without using advanced technology, like satellites and computers: homemade instruments vs. observations of nature. [E]
Use weather balloon sounding data to investigate how air temperature and pressure vary with altitude. [E]
Investigate the effect of atmospheric temperature on snowfall depth. [E]
Compare long-term precipitation patterns in different regions of the country by using historical climate data to make histograms and analyze the data. [E]

Build and use a psychrometer, a simple instrument for measuring the relative humidity of the air. [E]
Investigate change in water temperature as a result of El Nino. [P]
Are the Many Losses of Vessels in the Bermuda Triangle Caused by Extraterrestrial Sources or a Simpler Scientific Answer [E]
Determine how variations of humidity, temperature, air pressure and nucleation conditions affect cloud formation. [E]
Determine if barometric pressure and the jet stream have a predictable relationship and use that relationship to assist in forecasting wet or dry weather for the following day. [E]
See how weather causes and affects the colors in sunrises and sunsets. [E]
Why is the sky blue? [E] [E]
What amount of carbon dioxide affects temperature change in the atmosphere? [P]
How do clouds affect weather? [P]
How will climate and weather be affected if the earth were cubical? [P]
Does the wind change with height? [E]
What is climate change and how it will affect our life? [E] [E]
Interdisciplinary Topic: Weather
High School - Grades 10-12
P=Project   E=Experiment
Use the Synoptic Code for the Prediction of Weather [E]
How Does the Tilt of Earth's Axis Affect the Seasons? [E]
Test whether errors in GPS (global positioning system) signals are correlated with geomagnetic storm activity in the ionosphere. [E]
Can we predict future temperatures using the number of sunspots? [E]
Weather Anomalies and Natural Disasters [P]
Calculate relative humidity [E]
Is it possible to forecast the weather by using simple techniques such as observing wind patterns, cloud formations and using simple measuring devices? [E]
Study of tropospheric ozone using OSIRIS and TOMS data. [P]
Interdisciplinary Topic: Weather
Useful Links
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Citation Guides, Style Manuals, Reference [R]
Safety Resources [R] [R]
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