Mineralogy Milestones
77 AD: Pliny the Elder, Roman, described many minerals and explained many of their properties (Naturalis Historia).
8th century: Jabir ibn Hayyan, Arabic, was the first to bring the experimental method into alchemy and developed distillation and crystallization methods.
1905: Herbert Smith, British, invented the first efficient jeweler's refractometer.
1556: Georgius Agricola, German, described the art of mining, refining, and smelting metals (De re metallica).
1609: Anselmus de Boodt, Belgian: the first definitive work of modern mineralogy - described about 600 known minerals, describing their properties and medical uses (Gemmarum et Lapidum Historia).
1812: Friedrich Mohs, German, created the Mohs scale of mineral hardnes.
1888: Antoine Lacroix and Albert Michel-Levy, French - their The Minerals of Rocks was a pioneer study of the optical properties of rock-forming minerals.
20th century: Arthur Russell, British, owned one of the most outstanding collection of British minerals.
1970s: George Switzer, American, analyzed moon rocks which were brought back by NASA's Apollo missions to the Moon.
Minerals and Mineralogy for Kids
Mineralogy 4 Kids
Rocks for Kids
Minerals for Kids
I want to be a mineralogist
The Physical Properties of Minerals
Minerals and Health
How Rocks and Minerals are Formed
Minerals and Mineralogy for Teachers
The Life Cycle of a Mineral Deposit—A Teacher’s Guide for Hands-On Mineral Education Activities
Mineral Identification
Mineral Identification Key
Mineralogy Database
Mineral Identification Project
Mineral Physical Properties and Identification
Mohs Scale
Mohs scale of mineral hardness
Mohs Scale of Mineral Hardness
The Mohs Mineral Hardness Scale
Mohs Scale of Hardness - Mineralogical Society of America
Mineral Collecting - Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions about San Diego Minerals
Frequently Asked Questions - Mineralogical Society of America
FAQ Mineral Careers - Mineralogical Society of America
Automated Mineralogy FAQ
Mineralogy Dictionaries and Glossaries
Rock and Mineral Dictionary
Glossary of Mineralogical Terms and Habits
Field Guide Minerals Glossary
Basic Geological and Mineralogical Glossary
The Clay Minerals Society Glossary for Clay Science Project
MBMG Mineral Museum
James Madison University Mineral Museum
Mineral Stamps
Collecting Rock Stamps
French Antarctic Mineral Stamps
Mineral stamps - The Icelandic Institute of Natural History
Stamps of Minerals, Gems and Meteorites
Philatelic Mineralogy I
Trivia & Quizzes
A Collection of Interesting Geology Facts
Rocks and Minerals Game - Play Fun Trivia Quiz
Rock and Mineral Quiz
Humor and Jokes
Volcano Jokes and Earth Sciences
Dinosaur Jokes and Paleontology
Tornadoes, Hurricanes and Weather Jokes
ABAG Earthquake Info Kids Zone
General Mineralogy Resources
Everything about Jade - Ology
What is Jade? - Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, Canada
The Clausthal Online Mineral Collection
Coal Energy - DOE
Mineralogy 4 Kids - MSA
Mineral Matters
The Gold Institute
Mineralogy Database
23 Amazing Sites For Free Gemology Courses & Resources
Science Fair Projects and Experiments
Rocks and Minerals